4shadow stuck notifications event
4shadow stuck notifications event

4shadow stuck notifications event

Divine Knight boss battles count towards the enemy list trophy, but they automatically are marked as complete when you defeat them, you don’t need to scan them because I don’t believe there’s an item to scan them. *I think that Trial Chest Bosses DON’T need to be scanned for the Enemy List trophy! Why? I notice I scan them and my enemy counter in the book doesn’t go up, they don’t count towards the 490, just like how the Extra’s enemy section doesn’t increase the counter either! I scan them all to be safe though.

4shadow stuck notifications event

So it’s best to choose some of these and go for them, then do a cleanup run on NG+. One trophy is for maxing out all guys’ relationships, and one more trophy for maxing out Duvalie and Celine’s together. For the female relationship trophies, there’s one for every female except Duvalie and Celine, but you need to see the “2 heart bonding events” beforehand for that girl and then trigger the girl’s final romance event. Character notes bonding events will be noted and prioritized because you need all character notes for the trophy and they’re a logistical nightmare. Here’s the trick: some bonding events have character notes mixed in, some bonding events have hearts mixed in, and the rest are normal bonding events. You only have so many bonding points you can spend on your first playthrough, on New Game Plus you get infinite bonding points and can max everything, but on your first playthrough you can only max out a certain number of relationships. *There is one thing that you can’t perfect on a first playthrough, sadly, and that’s the romance trophies. I have a counter so you can go back if you missed anything.

4shadow stuck notifications event

All Treasure Chests, all Trial Chests, all recipes, all enemies in the enemy list, all fish, all character notes, etc. Midway I will start counting through everything. We have all treasure chests with maps, enemy names in English, all character notes, all minigames, all master quartz, all books such as Imperial Chronicles, The Chosen One, Three & Nine, cooking recipes, etc! We used the official English localized copy, so all item names are 100% correct and are not guessed translations. We have everything in our guide for a perfect playthrough of Cold Steel IV. Home» Game Guides» Cold Steel IV Perfect Playthrough Guide Perfect playthrough guide for Trails of Cold Steel IV, All collectibles and missables, all treasure chest maps, all master quartz, etc.

  • Remaining Trophy Cleanup Before Endgame.
  • Endgame Reminders, Finish Cooking Trophy and Maxing Thors Unity.
  • Remaining Side Content Before Final Dungeon Point of No Return Continued 2.
  • Remaining Side Content Before Final Dungeon Point of No Return Continued.
  • Remaining Side Content Before Final Dungeon Point of No Return.
  • Extra ROMANCE Info for the Ending of Night of Promises Chapter.
  • Part: Eventide: Night of Promises Continued.
  • Post-Luna Sanctuary “World Tour” Continued.
  • Perfect playthrough guide for Trails of Cold Steel IV, All collectibles and missables, all treasure chest maps, all master quartz, etc.

  • 4shadow stuck notifications event